Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Aren't you tired of destroying EVERYTHING?

I don't understand why it is so hard to understand that war is not the answer. It's like road-rage, sure you might momentarily think you feel better after cursing that bitch that just cut you off, but the truth is that all it probably did was help raise your blood pressure. But still there is so much fear & anger out there that even though we're basically going for broke with the collapse of the economy & the 2 wars we ALREADY have going on, you still heard some people - and let's be honest, they're usually republicans - say we should bomb Iran & Russia! When will we learn that this is not a solution. Not only will we be stretch so thin that we make ourselves vulnerable to attacks, and drive our country further down the financial hole, but it will NOT work?! I just don't get it...

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