Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sexism! What you talkin' about Sarah?

I know this is a little late into the whole Palin sexism scandal BS, but I'm still mad about the whole thing. I am completely disgusted that the republicans are crying sexism when they clearly did not care when they were attacking Clinton with truly sexist comments like Rush Limbaugh saying that Clinton would not win because this country is not ready to see it's president turn into an old lady. UGH!! Yet, they complain & cry & hide their precious VP all the while riding the BS cloud of sexism. I'm sick of it! Attacking a candidate's lack of credentials is not sexism. She is completely unqualified. While mayor, she needed an adminstrator to help her run a city of 7,000 people. Built a sports complex on land that didn't even belong to the city & has been tied up in court battles for years & left the city with a whopping deficit, then as AK governor, instead of applying the oil profit surplus into helping the country find ways to become energy independant, she gave out checks of about $1K to AK citizen. In my eyes, that looks like she bribed them all to become popular. Also,being NEAR a country does not give you diplomatic powers. I am more adepth at foreign affairs than she is. Still they say it's all about sexism.

Here's the thing republicans...I can PROVE that these "attacks" are not because she's a woman or that we don't agree with your backwards/deliverance country views. Look at Condolezza Rice. Personally, I think she's as much to blame for the mess of this administration as Bush & Cheyney, yet there she is roaming the world, interacting with some of the craziest world leaders out there and NO ONE has attacked her experience & ability to do her job eventhough she is not just a WOMAN, but BLACK too!! Yes, I think the Bush policies are bad, but I have no doubt Condi can hold her own no matter who she speaks to.

So take that Sarah! There aren't enough cliff notes available for you to hide your lack of knowledge.

Do us all a favor & stick to hunting moose...

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