Friday, October 3, 2008

We got plenty of wars we need to fight HERE...

I have lived in gang infested areas most of my life. I was lucky enough not to get sucked into that life. I am deeply troubled to know see that little or nothing is done. I understand that a vast amount of resources are needed to really make a dent in this ever increasing problem. In the years post 9/11 we have heard over and over again that we are in the middle of a war on terror. That terrorists must be stopped. I agree, but what I do not understand is why more is not done to fight gangs if we are so concerned about fighting terrorists - isn't that what gang members are? Gangs use terror tactics to paralyze neighborhood & push their unlawful ways. Go to any neighborhood where they have a gang problem & you hear similar things that you do in Afghanistan's Taliban ruled neighborhoods. They say we're in Iraq & Afghanistan so we don't fight them on US soil, but they are already here! We do have to fight them HERE. If we spent just 1/10 of the money being spent on Iraq imagine the difference it would make? How many more kids would stay in school & not be intimidated to drop out or join a gang? Imagine how our poor neighborhoods would finally be able to lift themselves up! Fear is a scared tactic used by terrorist & that is the gangs #1 weapon. I am sick of hearing all these warmongering politicians push this unfounded war in Iraq. If you really want to go to war, fight the fight here at home!

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