Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Why is socialism a 4-letter word?

So there's anew movie coming out from Steven Soderberg called "Guerilla" based on the life of Ernesto Che Guevara who helped Fidel Castro over take Batista and become the communist leader of Cuba. I've been reading some blogs about people's reactions to the movie and most reactions are on either one extreme or the other. You either think it's a bout time a movie about such an influential person is made and you think that it's awesome that this revolution was able to take place. or on the flip side you are fed up with all this leftist crap and can't understand why these people don't go move to Cuba if they love it so much.

Throughout the election you heard the word socialism tossed around like it was a 4-letter word. "OMG - I can't vote for Obama. He's a socialist. Gasp!"

Well before we all get our chonies in a bunch, let clam down & think this through. Why can't we speak up against out government without causing a major revolution? And what's so wrong with a sprinkle of socialism here& there? I mean we already have socialist programs around. And again, let me explain before you freak out... all socialist programs are, are programs funded by society, by the government, by our taxes, like schools, libraries, law enforcement, mass transit and, gasp, social security! See, we're perfectly ok with those so all I'm sayin' is that if you are gonna tax my money at least gimme something good in return, like, oh, I dunno, HEALTHCARE?

Let's all try to work together toward being more practical and finding a happy medium. If our government is messing up, then hell yeah, let's do something about it. In California, we've already done that just ask ex-governor Gray Davis. At the same time, let's also agree that we can't just go around impeaching every elected official either because that would be completely ineffective.

Can't we all just get along?

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